The Plus Side of Instagram's Fashion Culture
Graphic by Angela Cheng
When Instagram was first launched, it was hard to predict that it would turn into the platform it has become. When I first created my Instagram account, I was in sixth grade. My feed was filled with #justgirlythings (oof, remember those?) posts and random snippets of my friends’ lives that are now more properly fit for their finstas. Today, I read the news, watch videos, and catch up with my friends from back home all within my fifteen minute peruse of the app when I wake up in the morning.
Instagram has become a massive platform for the fashion industry. Now when scrolling through my feed, I see launches of the latest trends – whether it be on the Vogue Instagram or even my high school friends sporting a look that hasn’t yet made it to Northwestern. Additionally, Instagram has a new feature on the Explore page that allows you to shop directly from the app. It even customizes the feed to match your preferences.
Image via Olivia Evans
There has also been a rise of fashion finder accounts, or accounts that track the clothes that celebrities wear and include links to the exact or similar pieces. Some popular social media influencers spend entire days putting together photos for their Instagrams and tagging the stores they shop at, whether it’s for a paid partnership or not.
Image via Olivia Evans
Image via Olivia Evans
The great thing about Instagram fashion culture, however, is the general public’s ability to participate. It is so easy to show off your style via social media and find inspiration from others. Lookbook accounts have grown rapidly over the last few years and are a super fun way to bring together a community and give a confidence boost to someone with a particularly awesome outfit. Even here at Stitch, we utilize Instagram to show off Northwestern fashion via our Stories.
A lookbook account showcasing the outfits of Northwestern RTVF students. Image via Olivia Evans
The fact that Instagram has become a source of anxious comparison and negative feelings is important to address. Even social media influencer and YouTube star Emma Chamberlain admits that the app is stressful for her. But it’s also important to celebrate the benefits of social media. With all of its negatives, it’s nice to remember how the app can also be very useful to get reinspired and show off your style.